
Chronic neck pain

by | Apr 12, 2019 | Neck pain | 0 comments

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Have you had chronic neck pain that chiros/physios/doctors have tried looking at and doesn’t seem to resolve ? Maybe the CAUSE is NOT the neck but a dysfunctional pattern especially along the Spiral Line. The Spiral line is a system of the body that runs from one side of your abs, crosses over to the opposite shoulder muscles and back to the same side of your neck muscles, and they are responsible for stabilising your entire posture when you are moving. These group of muscles work together to perform movements, hence a weakness or dysfunction in the abs or opposite shoulder can cause overload in the neck.

    get in touch today

    If you're not sure on how we can help you to perform at your best or just need a bit more information, feel free to contact our chiropractic clinic at Macquarie Park/North Ryde